Enable shipping on your Shopify store
Installation is free and easy
3-step installation
Take advantage of our low rates today

Connect your Shipmoi.ca account to your Shopify store.
Enter your Shipmoi.ca account number (if needed, consult your Shipmoi.ca account to find the number).

Configuring the application
Determine when the labels should be ordered:
Automatically, when the order is processed (fulfillment),
Automatically, when the order is paid,
Manually from the “Order Label” link.

Add Shipmoi.ca services in your store’s shipping and delivery settings.
Take advantage of our exceptional rates
Directly in your Shopify store
With our Shopify extension, enjoy all the benefits of shipmoi.ca directly on your online store. The configuration is easy and requires only a few steps. You will then have access to automatic or manual label creation and the information will be transmitted to our shipping management system.
Receive more while paying less! You will definitely receive the best price because you will benefit from our discount on a larger volume.
Same day or next day delivery, with guaranteed delivery at no extra charge.
Save time with our full-featured shipping software and, of course, easy integration with your online store.
Practical features
For your online store
Estimation of shipping costs
Label creation and printing
Scheduling of pickups
Tracking of shipments and invoices
Ability to offer returns to your customers
Confirm shipments to your customers
Creating reports on your shipments
Address book management
Creating labels manually
Monitor your shipments
If you choose to manually generate your shipping labels rather than automatically, simply follow the process below:
Enter the pick-up and the delivery addresses
Select your service
Select your shipping type